The oil and gas runway is getting shorter and the major players are shifting their attention to renewable energy. As the world grapples with the threat of climate change, the need to understand the full impact of our actions has never been more important.

There is an assumption that the end result of remediation is a positive outcome, but it all depends on how you look at it. In reality, these problems are often exchanged for another set that falls outside of the single blinkered metric of concern. The very act of implementing the remedy will create an actual incremental risk far greater than the effort required to eliminate the hypothetical incremental risk. Transportation alone is responsible for nitrous and sulphur oxides from emissions, and particulate emissions. This does not take into account the impact on local community health and family well being.

These considerations will never inform decision making unless they are measured. If it isn’t measured it doesn’t exist.

What we measure matters but when and how we measure and communicate is just as important. Resiliency metrics can’t influence decisions unless the decision maker has access to the right information at the right time in the right form.

Null Island Records is proud to be partnering with organisations that are asking tough questions and actively seeking out remediation solutions that embrace Resiliency: incorporating all the environmental, social and economic metrics into the critical decisions at the outset.

We work closely with our environmental subject matter expert partners to identify trends and patterns and extract meaningful and actionable intelligence from complex multidimensional datasets. We communicate that intelligence primarily via web browsers designed to be intuitive, with the specific needs of the end user in mind.

Our aim is to achieve minimal to zero transaction friction between our clients and their data, saving project teams untold time over the course of a project and arm decision makers with the intelligence they need to make business critical decisions.

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