Let’s face it, 2020 threw us a curve ball.
Businesses have been forced to rethink the way they operate. The reliance on technology for communication and to deliver goods and services has never been more relevant and those quick to adapt will emerge stronger.
Null Island Records was formed with that in mind.
We are a team of subject matter experts in the fields of business development, data management and the communication of actionable intelligence. We offer a fresh, technology agnostic approach to match both need and budget, helping our partners in the Environment, Transport, Government and Utility sectors navigate the ever changing global landscape.
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We are passionate about the environment, taking every opportunity to join the fight against climate change and take pride in partnering with organisations who share these values.
Null Island - a name for the point on the Earth's surface where the prime meridian and the equator cross, located in international waters in the Gulf of Guinea off the west African coast. In the WGS84 datum, this is at zero degrees latitude and longitude, and is the location of a buoy.
Records - in computer science, a record (also called a structure, struct, or compound data) is a basic data structure. Records in a database or spreadsheet are usually called "rows". A record is a collection of fields, possibly of different data types, typically in a fixed number and sequence.